Is the glycolytic flux in Lactococcus lactis primarily controlled by the redox charge? Kinetics of NAD(+) and NADH pools determined in vivo by 13C NMR.
Sampling method:
Cells were harvested in logarithmic growth phase (A 600 = 2.2)
Quenching procedure:
Centrifuges, washed, and suspended to a protein concentration of 16,5 mg/ml in 50mM Kpi or Mes/KOA buffer, pH 6,5, for 13C or 31P NMR respectively.
Extraction technique:
boiling ethanol
Sample analyzing method:
Methods description - Notes
NMR Experiments - cells were harvested in mid-logarithmic growth phase (A600 = 2.2), centrifuged, washed twice, and suspended to a protein concentration of 16.5 mg/ml in 50 mM KPi or Mes/KOH buffer, pH 6.5, for 13C or 31P NMR experiments, respectively.
Quantification o
... f Products - Lactate, acetoin, acetate, 2,3-butanediol, ethanol, and formate were quantified in NMR sample extracts by 1H NMR [1]. The concentration of minor products (e.g. pyruvate, ethanol, diacetyl) and metabolic intermediates that remained inside the cells (PEP, 3-PGA) was determined from the analysis of 13C spectra of NMR sample extracts as previously described [2]. Intracellular metabolite concentrations were calculated using a value of 2.9 l/mg protein for the intracellular volume of L. lactis [3]. All NMR spectra of living cells were run at 30 °C with a quadruple-nucleus probe head on a Bruker DRX500 spectrometer. Acquisition of 31P NMR and 13C NMR spectra was performed as described by Neves et al. [2]; however, acquisition parameters for 13C NMR were modified as follows: data size, 16,000; recycle delay, 0.3 s; number of transients, 480. Carbon and phosphorus chemical shifts are referenced to the resonances of external methanol or H3PO4 (85%) designated at 49.3 ppm and 0.0 ppm, respectively.
[1] de Vos, W.M (1999). Curr. Opin, Microbiol. 2, 289-295. [2] Neves, A. R., Ramos, A., Nunes, M. C., Kleerebezem, M., Hugenholtz, J., de Vos, W. M., Almeida, J., and Santos, H. (1999). Biotechnol. Bioeng. 64, 200–212. [3] Poolman, B., Smid, E. J., Veldkamp, H., and Konings, W. N. (1987). J. Bacteriol. 169, 1460–1468.
Is the glycolytic flux in Lactococcus lactis primarily controlled by the redox charge? Kinetics of NAD(+) and NADH pools determined in vivo by 13C NMR.
PubMed ID
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Ana Rute Neves, Rita Ventura, Nahla Mansour, Claire Shearman, Michael J. Gasson, Christopher Maycock, Ana Ramos and Helena Santos
Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológico, Oeiras, Portugal
Lactococcus lactis, metabolism of glucose, NMR, in vivo
Project name
Experiment Description
Lactococcus lactis
Data type
time-series data of metabolites
Data Units
Execution date
Experimental Details
Temperature (0C)
Carbon source
Culture mode
Process condition
Dilution rate (h-1)
Working volume (L)
Biomass concentration (g/L)
not specified
Medium composition
Chemical-defined medium
General protocol information
Sampling method: Cells were harvested in logarithmic growth phase (A 600 = 2.2)
Quenching procedure: Centrifuges, washed, and suspended to a protein concentration of 16,5 mg/ml in 50mM Kpi or Mes/KOA buffer, pH 6,5, for 13C or 31P NMR respectively.
Extraction technique: boiling ethanol
Sample analyzing method: NMR
Methods description - Notes
NMR Experiments - cells were harvested in mid-logarithmic growth phase (A600 =2.2), centrifuged, washed twice, and suspended to a protein concentration of 16.5 mg/ml in 50 mM KPi or Mes/KOH buffer, pH 6.5, for 13C or 31P NMR experiments, respectively.
Quantification of Products - Lactate, acetoin, acetate, 2,3-butanediol, ethanol, and formate were quantified in NMR sample extracts by 1H NMR [1]. The concentration of minor products (e.g. pyruvate, ethanol, diacetyl) and metabolic intermediates that remained inside the cells (PEP, 3-PGA) was determined from the analysis of 13C spectra of NMR sample extracts as previously described [2]. Intracellular metabolite concentrations were calculated using a value of 2.9 l/mg protein for the intracellular volume of L. lactis [3]. All NMR spectra of living cells were run at 30 °C with a quadruple-nucleus probe head on a Bruker DRX500 spectrometer. Acquisition of 31P NMR and 13C NMR spectra was performed as described by Neves et al. [2]; however, acquisition parameters for 13C NMR were modified as follows: data size, 16,000; recycle delay, 0.3 s; number of transients, 480. Carbon and phosphorus chemical shifts are referenced to the resonances of external methanol or H3PO4 (85%) designated at 49.3 ppm and 0.0 ppm, respectively.
[1] de Vos, W.M (1999). Curr. Opin, Microbiol. 2, 289-295.
[2] Neves, A. R., Ramos, A., Nunes, M. C., Kleerebezem, M., Hugenholtz, J., de Vos, W. M., Almeida, J., and Santos, H. (1999). Biotechnol. Bioeng. 64, 200–212.
[3] Poolman, B., Smid, E. J., Veldkamp, H., and Konings, W. N. (1987). J. Bacteriol. 169, 1460–1468.
KiMoSys ( Data EntryID 37 (Lactococcus lactis). [online], [Accessed 12 October 2024]. Available from:
{"id":23,"organism_id":37,"comments":"Original model source: in JWS online database.","sbml_file_name":"Levering_2012.pdf","article_file_name":null,"category":"Metabolism","used_for":"---\n- Model building\n- Model validation\n","model_type":"ordinary differential equations","pubmed_id":"22325620","dilution_rate":"","name_of_model":"glycolysis Lactococcus lactis","manuscript_title":"Role of phosphate in the central metabolism of two lactic acid bacteria - a comparative systems biology approach.","authors":"Jennifer Levering, Mark W. J. M. Musters, Martijn Bekker, Domenico Bellomo, Tomas Fiedler, Willem M. de Vos, Jeroen Hugenholtz, Bernd Kreikemeyer, Ursula Kummer and Bas Teusink","journal":"FEBS Journal","affiliation":"Department of Modeling of Biological Processes, COS Heidelberg ⁄ BIOQUANT, University of Heidelberg, Germany","project_name":"","biomodels_id":"levering1","keywords":"Lactococcus lactis, metabolism of glucose, NMR, in vivo","software":" (COPASI)","control":"2014-03-10T11:18:15.244Z","main_organism":"Lactococcus lactis","year":2012,"combine_archive_file_name":"COMBINE_KIMOMODELID23.omex","combine_archive_content_type":"application/omex+xml","combine_archive_file_size":1068365,"combine_archive_updated_at":"2014-06-30T17:53:53.205Z","review_journal_id":null,"doi":null}
Administrator KiMoSys
{"id":24,"organism_id":37,"comments":"Archive containing all files to run and plot simulations. Requires MATLAB.","sbml_file_name":"Vinga_2010.pdf","article_file_name":null,"category":"Metabolism","used_for":"---\n- Model building\n","model_type":"ordinary differential equations","pubmed_id":"20921043","dilution_rate":"","name_of_model":"DEB L. lactis model","manuscript_title":"Subcellular metabolic organization in the context of dynamic energy budget and biochemical systems theories","authors":"Susana Vinga, Ana R. Neves, Helena Santos, B. W. Brandt and S. A. L. M. Kooijman","journal":"Philosophical transactions of the royal society B","affiliation":"Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID)","project_name":"","biomodels_id":"","keywords":"Lactococcus lactis, metabolism of glucose, NMR, in vivo","software":" (MATLAB)","control":"2014-05-15T09:26:26.874Z","main_organism":"Lactococcus lactis","year":2010,"combine_archive_file_name":null,"combine_archive_content_type":null,"combine_archive_file_size":null,"combine_archive_updated_at":null,"review_journal_id":null,"doi":null}
Administrator KiMoSys
glycolysis Lactococcus lactis for mannitol and 2,3-butanediol production
ordinary differential equations
Model building and Model validation
{"id":35,"organism_id":null,"comments":" Copasi model file used to produce manuscript figures.","sbml_file_name":"Costa_2014.pdf","article_file_name":null,"category":"Metabolism","used_for":"---\n- Model building\n- Model validation\n","model_type":"ordinary differential equations","pubmed_id":"24413179","dilution_rate":"—","name_of_model":"glycolysis Lactococcus lactis for mannitol and 2,3-butanediol production","manuscript_title":"An extended dynamic model of Lactococcus lactis metabolism for mannitol and 2,3-butanediol production","authors":"Rafael S. Costa, Andras Hartmann, Paula Gaspar, Ana R. Neves and Susana Vinga","journal":"Molecular BioSystems","affiliation":"Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigacão e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID), R Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal.","project_name":"PneumoSyS","biomodels_id":"","keywords":"L. lactis, extended model, mannitol and 2,3-butanediol production, control analysis","software":" (COPASI)","control":"2014-07-21T10:18:41.595Z","main_organism":"Lactococcus lactis","year":2014,"combine_archive_file_name":null,"combine_archive_content_type":null,"combine_archive_file_size":null,"combine_archive_updated_at":null,"review_journal_id":null,"doi":null}
Rafael Costa